Where to stay
There are some hotel and motels in Kuakata where you can stay, but Holiday Homes is the best place to stay in Kuakata. It is a motel of Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation and its better if you confirm your booking from Dhaka in advance.Every year in Kuakata many tourist come from various countries, mainly from Denmark, China and America. They stay there in hotels or motels; there are about 32 hotels and 10 restaurants in Kuakata with Tourist Holiday Home, R & H Rest House and LGED Rest House. But among all of them about 10 hotels or Motels and 3 restaurants are standard. Some hotels or motels offer meals to there guest by taking charge but maximum does not do it. In "Tourist Holiday Homes" every cook are trained by the UNICEFF for 6 months. But the meal cost of this area is quite reasonable. The Hotel Business Union of Kuakata generallydivided the year in two seasons: Peak & Off-peak.Peak season is from October to April & Off-Peak is from May to September. In peak seasons the rent costs of the Hotels are full and in off-peak season some Hotels offer 25% discount, some offer 50% discount. The room rent of these Hotels is about TK.300-TK.1500 per night, generally it depends on room size & condition & varies from hotel to hotel.